Sunday, 21 April 2013

Badger Hill flooding update

Interesting news for those in Badger Hill affected by flash floods last June...

On Thursday 18th April, the Labour Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability, Cllr Dave Merrett, considered a report addressing the Badger Hill flooding incidents of 10th June 2012 following a period of intense rainfall.

The Cabinet Member approved the report by officers, which can be found by clicking here, namely concluding that:
  • A number of factors combined together to cause the flooding experienced at Badger Hill.
  • Lack of knowledge of critical drainage infrastructure, combined with subsequent lack of maintenance by several parties, caused a build up of problems over the years.
  • The intense storm of 10 June, and the flooding that ensued, have highlighted deficiencies in several areas of the Badger Hill Estate and on Hull Road that are long-standing and have not been addressed by those responsible for their maintenance.
  • There has been concerted action and co-operation by the relevant responsible bodies to ensure that the immediate flood risk was minimised. An in-depth study of the drainage network by CYC and YWS is required to ensure that other factors are not causing wider scale under-capacity problems.
  • Asset records have been up-dated to unsure that infrastructure is logged and maintenance regimes established by the relevant bodies.
  • Residents should be informed of the change to planning law regarding additional front garden paving, and asked to ensure that debris is not dumped into road gullies.
  • Performance of the drainage system should be monitored and residents should be encouraged to report any future flooding problems to CYC‟s Flood Risk Management Team on 01904 553466 or
Hull Road Labour Councillors Neil Barnes and Fiona Fitzpatrick can remember clearly the events of that day and were both on site to see how the flooding had affected residents - with flooring and carpeting ruined and rooms unusable for days in an area that is not normally associated with flooding.

Residents will remember the Press reports at the time (see below) and so the Labour Councillors will keep a close eye on the situation and ensure that actions following this report are undertaken in good time.

York Press report of 11th June 2012:

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