Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Is Hull Road really one of York's filthiest streets?

The Press in York today writes about 'York's filthiest streets', with statistics indicating Hull Road as having one of the highest rates in York of call-outs of the council's street cleaning teams.

This could be seen as a positive or a negative - depending on whether you choose to look at it as residents taking pride in their streets and making more calls to the council, or whether a higher rate of clean-up indicates higher amounts of clean-up needed in the first place.

We're keeping an open mind! But we do know, and have met, residents in the Hull Road Ward who take a huge amount of pride in the areas where they live - from residents who display beautiful front gardens to residents who regularly pick up litter and other rubbish from their streets.

We're also working with the council's neighbourhood management team, street environment officers and other people, to make sure high standards are maintained. This includes weekly walkabouts of the ward in which councillors often take part.

Fiona commented in the Press article: “We’re working very closely with the street cleansing team and we have been going out on walks they do every Thursday.

“We are disappointed but we are new councillors and we are quite positive and are determined things will improve.”

The full article can be found at:

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