Friday, 23 May 2014

Eyesore bus shelter in Badger Hill - gone!

At Hull Road ward's "Community Conversation" earlier in the year, residents raised the issue of an eyesore bus shelter on Field Lane in the Badger Hill area.

Hull Road councillors have taken up the issue with City of York Council officers with the aim of securing both it's removal and the installation of a replacement.

Stage 1 is complete! This week, council staff were at the bus shelter to remove the old, rundown frame.

Neil Barnes and Fiona Fitzpatrick will now campaign for a replacement shelter to be installed very soon.

Council staff removing the old shelter
The bus shelter is gone! Now the job to secure a replacement is on...

Coming soon - The Tour de Tang Hall!


Tour de Tang Hall 

Sunday 15th June

Watch this space for more details soon...
